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Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

what i'm loving wednesday! I'm going to start participating in....

Every Wednesday I will try my best to post about things I'm loving. I say "try my best" because life in Africa with a baby sometimes puts a kink in my plans. Anyhow, this week there is one thing I am seriously LOVING! It's Pinterest....if you haven't heard of it, you need to. Although-- beware! It's seriously addicting. Basically it's a way to "pin" or bookmark things you love (crafts, ideas, recipes, clothes, shoes, stuff you want to buy, anything you could possible think of!) And you "follow" other people on what they are into at the moment and you can "repin" things that they have pinned. Also, on the toolbar of your web browser, you can make a button that says "pin it" and if you are on some random website and love what you see, all you have to do is click that button and it gets pinned to you. Amazing. It's great for putting everything you love into one place. Just yesterday I saw this adorable jewelry organizer and it is currently en route to my parents house so hopefully they can mail it out in a christmas package!! Here it is...

Here are just a few other of my Pinterest finds....I love it!

family rules

oreo rice krispie treats

amazing shoes

1 comment:

  1. YAY! My Pinterest buddy! I'm so glad you're pinning! And I'm trying to blog like you now! :) Hopefully I'll be good like you and stick to it! Miss you guys so much! Love u!
