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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

what i'm loving: making baby food

Let me first just is not an easy or quick task, but I am loving making all Zoe's baby food. I also cannot lie and say it's purely motivated by my love, or by trying to make sure it's all organic...if we lived in America right now, I most probably would not be doing this. But to my dismay, when we walked in the grocery in Dar-es-Salaam to pick up some solid baby food jars, they were going to cost around $3 a pop! For those little tiny jars...unbelievable. Fresh fruits and veggies are so cheap here...I couldn't force myself to pay that much. So that is how it happened. But I do love it, I know it's healthy and organic and all that...but it sure does take a huge chunk of my time. This is what I do...

First, I wash everything in water mixed with potasium permanganate (it's what gives the water the purplish color).

Then I peel (if needed) and either boil or steam:

Then I mash it all up in the blender:

And put it in little containers to stick in the fridge:

I usually do it once or twice a week. I wish I could do it less often and just stick everything in the freezer, however our freezer is tiny (did you know the rest of the world makes fun of americans for the size of their refrigerators?? they do) and even if we had something bigger, our power is not reliable enough for me to defrost it in the microwave when Zoe gets hungry. Anyway, it's hard work but I like it, and so does this little girl...

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