Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, September 26, 2011

8 months

Eek! That is 2/3 of a year old! So hard to believe...but then again I say that every month. So this past month Zoe has really started to get on the move. She is doing the army crawl and can get just about anywhere...still no sign of getting up on her knees...maybe she never will. But she makes her away across our nasty floors pretty well and by the time she is done and I pick her up, her belly is filthy. I know "poor baby" right? But she is happy as a clam and doesn't mind getting dirty at all. We have had to move all our stuff from lower shelves up high. The "easy days" of her just laying around and playing in one spot are so over.

She also has figured out her little scooter seat (I'm not really sure what they are called.) But she flies around the house in that thing with no concern for what is in her, our feet, or Chester. Poor Chester hates that chair and avoids it at all costs...she will seriously charge at him with it! She loves to roll up to the mirror and really gets a kick out of herself. Here is another video of her in her chair:

I'm still making all her food...carrots, avocados, bananas, potatoes, butternut squash, zucchini. We have tried giving her a little bit of french fry and she is not a fan. She better learn to love them though, because we have eaten more "chips" in the past 2 years than I have eaten in my entire life! She is getting her bottom 2 teeth. She has been a little fussy at night, but all in all, she is handling it really well. She can say "dada", "mama", "baba" (swahili for daddy), and she is starting with the "t"'s sweet because she says it like a whisper. She still sleeps like a champ and we are sooo grateful for that! She has the attention span of Nate so nothing holds her attention longer than a few seconds. She actually gets everything from Nate...including her good looks!


  1. Oh. My. Goodness. Those videos crack me up. I loved the part where she was starring in the mirror and her head just fell over. TOO Adorable! I love her so much! Keep these videos coming! :)

  2. What a sweetheart little Zoe is!! I agree with Jenny, that video of her kicking back her head and checking herself out in the mirror was hilarious. It's so wild how quickly all our little girls are growing...makes me sad and happy at the same time. Love y'all!
