Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

what im loving: catching zoe sleeping

Ok, I promise I'm not just going to post only on Wednesday for the rest of my life. It just seems like I always remember today. Oh well...
So on Sunday we go to church and then usually come home for a little bit and let Zoe take a nap before we go out for our usual Sunday lunch. This past Sunday, she was sooo sleepy we had to wake her up to go eat. I can count the number of times we have seen Zoe asleep..most of them were when she was a tiny baby. We usually lay her down in her crib and she will fuss or cry for a little bit and then put herself to sleep and we almost never wake her up and if we do, the door is so loud it wakes her up as soon as we walk in. So it's a rare occasion to see her sleep. But this Sunday she must have been super sleepy and she didn't even hear us come in to her room. And we found her sleeping in the most precious position. Nobody probably cares to watch this video except us and maybe grandparents :)

1 comment:

  1. wrong oh! I totally watched the video and LOVED it:) I love her so much!!!!! Give her some sweet kisses from me!!!
