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Sunday, August 7, 2011

"the one you need"

Shane & Shane have put out the most beautiful song. Anyone with a little girl will love this song, the lyrics are so sweet. Me and Nate pray that we can show Zoe that Jesus is the only one who can truly satisfy and the only one who will never let her down! I cried watching the video and I'm pretty sure Nate was pretty close.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lindsay!

    Kara and I just bought this Shane and Shane CD and it is amazing! Also, I just sponsored a child with Compassion Interntaional and decided to sponsor a little girl from Tanzania:) I felt closer to yall by doing that! Praying that she comes to know the Lord...and who knows..maybe someday yall can meet her!

    Hope you are doing well! God is using both of you in amazing ways! Praying for yall!

