Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, August 26, 2011

7 months old !

Yeah, Zoe is 7 months old today! Can you believe, because I can't! Where does the time go? Nate had some stuff going on today, so yesterday we went up to the Rock Garden on the mountain. We had lunch and walked around for a little bit so we could take some pictures on the rocks. Zoe had a great time watching the water and the monkeys play in the trees. Pictures below!
(This picture was taken before we left the house because Nate said she looked ridiculous in the headband...precious, no?!)

Let's see...what is Zoe up to at 7 months? Still not crawling, although she is quite mobile and can get anywhere she wants to by rolling. She is getting into everything and I'm dreading having to figure out a way to baby-proof the house, especially when she starts crawling. Luckily we don't have any stairs to worry about. She's eating lots of fruits and veggies...she still loves carrots and avacados best. Her face is usually stained orange from getting those everywhere. She says "baba" alot (that's Swahili for dad), "mama" when she is angry, and occasionally "dada," which is weird because that was her first word and she would say it all the time. She is still a daddy's girl and is really beginning to love Chester (our Ridgeback) a whole lot! He licks her in the face and she just giggles (nasty, I know).

She loves to play in her new toys which we got from some friends who have gone stateside for a while...they are letting us borrow a johnny jump-up and one of those walker-seat things. She loves them both and is really beginning to get the hang of them. Our baby girl is growing up!


  1. My parents say the same things about lyla's I happen to think that they are AMAZING and Zoe looks just precious in them:) I love your posts...keep em coming along with pictures of that sweet angel!

  2. I absolutely LOVE that top picture of the two of you. Almost made me cry!
