Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, June 7, 2013

saying goodbye to target and diet coke...

Pardon my hunched-over kind of look was raining and we were trying to snap the picture before the battery died in my camera...

Today was my farewell trip to target...I celebrated the occasion with a big diet coke...two of my favorite things about America. We are leaving Saturday night so I needed one last trip. As we were walking in, Nate asked, "What do we need here?" I said "Nothing, but believe me...I'll walk out with something." It's like a disease or some sort of ploy by Target...I don't know...I always walk in needing nothing and end up spending waaay too much money. Today was no exception--over $100! Nate just shook his head and rolled his eyes. Bless his heart...he may not understand it, but he accepts the "disease." I try to make him feel better by explaining that with my REDcard, I get 5% off every.single.thing I buy. He loves a good bargain.

The trip was more symbolic than anything else. Target and diet coke may be two of the things I miss while I'm in Tanzania, but it's something much bigger that I'm letting go's comfort. There is nothing better than a quick trip up to Target that turns into the entire shopping experience (right, ladies?) And nothing better than a cold diet coke right out of the can to quench my thirst (right, Sarah?)  But to me they are symbols of my "american dream"...the one I have to abandon to live in Africa. The much larger sacrifices are family & friends. My girls only seeing their grandparents and aunts and uncles every few years and me not being there to see some of the most precious babies ever enter this world (Campbell, Courtland, Lyla Rae, and more to come!) It requires me to die to myself every day in an attempt to remember His glory is worth far more than my comfort. It's not an easy thing to do and most days I fall far short. 

We head out Saturday night at 9:30. Please pray for our families as we say goodbye. And please pray for the 2-day trip from Atlanta, to London, to Nairobi, and finally to Dar with our two girls. And lastly, please pray that in the words of my BFF Jenny, I will remember that "Jesus is so worth it!" 

We have been showered with love, encouragement, and prayers over the past 6 months and we love, love, love each and every one of you. With the hope of better internet than when we left, you will hear from us soon!!

1 comment:

  1. We love you too! Thank you for sharing the Gospel! See you soon!
