Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, May 27, 2013

JP is two months!

Where has the time gone? I'll probably say that every month from now on...Here is our precious baby girl...

If you notice on her little legs, she has two hot pink band-aids (which were later ripped off by her big sister when I wasn't paying attention!) Kind of a bummer to have all those shots on your 2-month birthday! But she was a trooper and cried for just a minute. She is now ready to head back to Tanzania. We are currently waiting on her passport to arrive in the mail, and then we will book our tickets and be heading out pretty quickly after that. So her grandparents are taking EVERY opportunity to love on her and Zoe...

What is Jillian doing at 2 months old?
-She loves to smile, especially when she is getting attention from someone who is about to pick her up!
-She loves to be held and snuggle
-She still is loving to eat...about every 2.5-3 hours.
-She is sleeping 7-8 hours every.single.night...way to go baby girl!! Mommy is so grateful for her sleep at night.
-She is taking a 3-hour nap in the middle of the day at the same time as her big sister. Could I ask for more?! It's wonderful to sit down and eat my lunch and get a few things done--or maybe a quick nap??
-She loves Zoe...and Zoe is absolutely in love with Jillian. If Jillian is crying, Zoe will rock her, pat her, give her a pacifier and make "shhh" noises like Mommy and Daddy do to calm her down.
-She is taking a pacifier here and there. She doesn't love it, but will take it occasionally when she is tired.
-She has graduated to size 1 diapers, but is still in mostly newborn clothing.
-She has THE most precious little cooing noises
-She has a bit of a temper. When she is ready to eat, she is ready! And if she is not so happy, she certainly lets you know!!
-She can roll from her tummy to her back--mostly out of anger, not so much on purpose.

Love her so much!

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