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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

TIA (This is Africa)

Soooo...Zoe has said her first words "dada" and "baba" which (unfortunately for me) both refer to Nate. Baba is Swahili for dad. It somehow seems unfair that I carried her for 9+ months, breastfeed her every few hours, get up in the middle of the night with her...and she gives that special little smile only to her daddy and now she loves to look at him and say "da da da da." But I cannot be mad, it's absolutely precious and it's priceless to see how elated Nathan gets.

These past two weeks have been a constant reminder to me that YES, we are in Africa (as if I could forget). One day last week it somehow ended up that we were without power, water, and gas for cooking. What do you do when that happens? You complain, then you leave the house. This is a great place to say just how much I love and appreciate Nate. He dropped what he was doing to get gas for the generator (yay for power!), gas for the stove (yay for being able to cook!), and called a fundi (repairman) to fix our busted pipe so that we could have water (yay for drinking and showers!). I don't think there has been a single day this week where we have had power the entire day. Gotta love the power warning, they just shut it off whenever it suits their fancy. A couple days ago they shut it off while I had cookies in the oven, a full load in the washing machine, and clothes in the dryer.

In the past 2 years, God has taught me that it is a whole lot better to laugh and remind myself that we are living in Africa than to get stressed or upset about our circumstances. Although at times, it wears on me...I'm so thankful for my sweet husband and little girl who make me smile every day!

(I really would have loved to upload the video of Zoe saying "da da," but that was too much to ask of the a picture will have to do!)

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