Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

we're back...and we've added one more!

I's been quite a while since I've updated the blog! I just have been having so much fun with family and friends during our time here in the states. A friend told me a few weeks ago she was going to delete my blog from her list if I didn't update it then I knew it had been too long!
I can't start back with anything other than this precious little one...

She's adorable, no?! Jillian Naye was born Friday, March 22nd at 1:37 am. We went in for a scheduled induction on Wednesday night (apparently both my babies just weren't into the idea of leaving my belly). I just had a feeling my labor would go quickly, since Zoe came quite rapidly after they began the induction. No such luck. The first medicine they gave me did next to nothing (that was the first 12 hours). By Thursday morning I had only dilated like 1 cm, so my doctor broke my water and started pitocin. I immediately started having close, strong contractions. So (ugh) they took me off the pitocin to see if my body would continue contractions on it's own. Again, no such luck. Labor stopped all together. So then we waited pretty much the entire day with nothing happening until my doctor came back at the end of the day...only to tell the nurses to start pitocin again. (Of course!) Again, the contractions started pretty quickly and I had them through the night. By about 11 pm, I was exhausted. I was only dilated 2 or 3 cm and I hadn't slept in 24 hours, or eaten in 24 hours, and the pain was pretty unbearable. I finally asked for an epidural and wow! I didn't have any drugs with Zoe so I had no idea what it would be like. It was almost instant relief and I was finally able to rest. Nate said I got a little loopy, but I think it was just exhaustion. It only took about 2 more hours to dilate fully and the nurse told me Jillian was ready to enter the world! The doctor came in and told me there was a woman in the next room who was also ready, but didn't have an I was quite happy to wait for her--I understood all too well! Our sweet girl was born at 1:37 am. 7 pounds, 5 ounces and 20 inches long. Instant love. 

Zoe came that morning to meet her new baby sister...

Every time I look at Nate and my two beautiful girls, I am in awe of how good our God is! We are absolutely loving being a family of four! Thank you all for your sweet encouragement and prayers! You have blessed us so much!


  1. Praise the Lord, and congrats to you and your family, Lindsey. Your baby girls are beautiful!

  2. Loving the new family picture and can't wait for you to be on our side of the pond so that we can get to loving on your two precious girls. Love to all of you. Pam and Dan
