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Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, September 28, 2012

Mommy-Daughter Time

Zoe and I had lots of time to spend together this past week! Nate traveled to Morogoro for a National Volleyball Tournament and was gone Wednesday-Wednesday. We missed him SO much! It's been quite a while since we have been away from each other longer than a day or two. We used to do it all the time--funny how things change! Zoe seriously missed her daddy...every time she heard a car horn, she would yell "Daddy!" because Nate has a special honk he does when he gets to our gate.

But we had some good girl time together. One day early in the week, I decided to take Zoe to the beach (she absolutely loves both the pool and the ocean). I quickly remembered why we usually go as a family. It takes two to control that little girl. From the moment she saw the water, she was ready to get in. Making her sit to get lotion on was like pulling teeth. She sat in her float for maybe 10-15 minutes. was time to jump off the side...and guess who had to catch every every.single.time, and then hoist her back up on the side for her to jump again? Yeah, you guessed it! It was me. Getting her out of the water to have a snack and rest for a bit was like torture. Luckily, I brought along her mini DVD she sat for a few minutes and watched some Veggie Tales and ate some peanut butter crackers.

(this is an old beach picture, but still cute)

I decided to start packing and organizing the house so as to spread out the work (which is more than I expected). I caught up on all the laundry, and then I went through ALL of my clothes and made piles to keep and give away. Zoe helped...

We played with blocks, we watched movies, we went on walks, we went grocery shopping, we went out to get pizza, we went out to dinner with friends. We did anything to get out of the house for a little bit every day. It was a fun week of girl time...not so relaxing, though. But we are SUPER happy to have Nate back home. He got home after Zoe's bedtime on Wednesday, but she got to stay up to say hi to Daddy. Here are a few pictures of their reunion...

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