Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

way behind...

It's been waaay too long, I know! But Nate is out of town and Zoe is asleep so I figured I better update now while I've got some time. We have been staying pretty busy here lately and it will be more of the same for about another month until our volunteers leave, the students begin finals, and we get a minute to breathe!

Nate has been preaching quite a bit. He had the privilege to preach on Easter Sunday and did a FANTASTIC job. All the glory to God! He is still teaching his classes on campus--basketball and ultimate frisbee and those are going well. He is beginning a new ministry next week based on the Secret Church model of David Platt, which he is super excited about. He is beginning a new bible study with bible study leaders to pour into them and disciple them. And on top of all that, he is preaching the next two weeks at church and doing a series on relationships. He's a busy guy...

I had the opportunity to teach a bible study last week on marriage with some of the students. It was so much fun and I learned so much just in preparation. God's desires for marriage and families has become one of my passions lately as the Lord molds me into the wife and mother He wants me to teaching on marriage came at the perfect time!

We had the opportunity to go to the children's hospital on the Saturday before Easter to do a little party for the kiddos. They are so sweet and we had a great time singing songs, coloring, snacking, making crafts, and talking about the Easter story. We also visited last Saturday because we received a VERY special package from my BFF Jenny Graves and her church. They made mission dolls and shipped them all the way to us. The children at the hospital (most suffering with cancer) absolutely LOVED them. The little girls tied the dolls to their backs like they see their mothers do all the time. So precious! So, so thankful for Jenny and her church family. They put smiles on these precious faces!

Zoe is growing more and more. She is getting to be such a big girl. Her favorite thing is playing video games with her daddy! She is talking more and more...she calls herself a "good girl" and she loves asking for "crackers."

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