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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

what i'm loving wednesday: pumpkin!

So one of the biggest things I miss here is Fall. I love how beautiful Fall is in Georgia (and pretty much everywhere for that matter). There is pretty much no season change here...we have hot, very hot, and unbearably hot. Unlucky for's getting to that unbearably hot stage. I keep telling myself this is our last Fall/Thanksgiving/Christmas before we go home for our Stateside next year! But I still get super jealous of people talking about carving pumpkins and going on hay rides and drinking Chick-Fil-A peppermint milkshakes (ok...that's more of a lead-up to Christmas...but still).

In an attempt to fool myself, I burn pumpkin pie candles and try to put out some Fall decorations. BUT we are now in the process of moving and so I can't really do that because we are staying at a guest house until our house is ready. But then our teammate found a pumpkin at a local green grocer (I have never seen pumpkins here before!) She made some yummy pumpkin muffins and I immediately went to this little store to get one for myself. When I got there, there was a little pile of these odd looking gourds in the corner and I asked the man what they were. His reply was I grabbed the one that most resembled my idea of a pumpkin, paid way too much, and was on my way!

We took Zoe outside with the pumpkin so we could take her picture...they are below. Then Nate cut up the pumpkin for me, I roasted it, scooped it all out and made myself some pumpkin puree. I found this yummy-looking recipe for pumpkin snickerdoodles and I'm very much looking forward to baking them this week :)

1 comment:

  1. That is a beautiful heirloom pumpkin. You could grow pumpkin in Africa, in fact apparently Antarctica is the only place you can't. You'd probably just want to look to a heat resistant variety, or propagate seeds from one you buy at a local market. Unlike here where you're often dealing with hybrid (infertile) breeds, you'd probably have some success growing from the seed of a pumpkin you buy.
