We are still waiting on our stinking internet to be installed. Nate has internet on his phone though, so I'm using it (he might shoot me for blogging with his precious mega bites...especially since I'm about to upload a picture...haha). But there are grandparents out there who cannot wait any longer! Here is our little girl at 3 months old, just the cutest thing, right?!
Note: the object in the above picture is not as large as it appears. Big girl has the cloth diapers on which make her lower half exponentially larger. I wish I could post a few more pictures...but if I use up all of Nate's internet, I will lose blogging privileges. This little girl has been through LOTS of changes the past month. She went from sleeping 8-9 hours at night in America to sleeping between 2 and 3. After her one month check-up she was put on Zantac for her acid reflux. It was working beautifully until the day before we left to come to Tanzania. Funny how things work, eh? Anyway, even after upping her dosage, she was miserable. When I say miserable, I mean was eating, sleeping, or crying 24/7. Lots of times crying while she was eating and sleeping. Poor baby. She wasn't the only one in tears. In the absence of a good pediatrician, I became one. I researched online and decided to switch her to a different medicine. We started her on Prevacid 3 days ago and she is back to her happy self. Smiles and coos. Love it. If I was really bold, I would upload a video of the coos and sweet sounds. But I'm not that bold (you are welcome, Nathan).
What else is j-money up to these days?
-She loves her big sister Zoe and follows her around the room with her eyes.
-She is finally on a schedule. Baby Wise is the bomb! We did it with Zoe and now with Jillian...it makes for one happy and rested baby. A few days of a little crying is worth it all!
-After a looooong few weeks, she is extending her nighttime sleep. It's taking a while to get there, but I have confidence we will be back to sleeping through the night soon!
-She loves attention. I tend to think it's because of the extreme amount of spoiling that went on while we were in the States. She does not like to be alone. She's a social butterfly--that makes 2 (3 if you count Nate).
-She has a little bald spot on the back of her head where she lays.
-She is eating every 3.5-4 hours.
-She has a bit of a temper...I don't believe I have ever heard another baby that can scream at the pitch that she hits several times a day.\
Love her so much!
More posts to come as soon as we get internet (don't hold your breath...)
Training trainers
1 day ago
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