We made a trip to Orca this weekend. That is our closest thing to Walmart here in Dar, although there is a store called Game that is now owned by Walmart...but trust me it's nothing like it!! Anyway, we are walking the aisles and Zoe is having a grand time now that she can actually walk. Well, she walks up to this little girl and just takes her hand and walks away with her family. I did the typical mom thing to get her back and said "Ok, bye bye Zoe!" and waved and started to walk the other way. She just waved back and kept right on going with the other family.
It seems to be pretty typical these days. We went to a different church this morning which by the grace of God has a nursery (usually I fight and struggle with Zoe on my lap through our church services!) Anyway, we dropped her off no problem. We come back after the service to pick her up and the lady walks her over to the door; we reach our arms out to take her and she turns back to the lady and clings to her!! I have to pry her from this lady who is no doubt loving the fact that Zoe prefers her over her own mother and father. I guess I should just be happy that she likes to be around other people and is wonderful at making new friends!
Training trainers
1 day ago
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