Wow. This little girl is into everything! It's a good thing we are about to move, because almost every day I have to pack up stuff that's been sitting on the bottom shelf so that she doesn't get into it. So it helps me to make progress on packing at least. Hopefully when we move in, I can unpack in a way that is more baby-friendly.
Zoe has been up to quite a bit this past month. She learned how to clap (we weren't even trying to teach her, she just picked it up at church one day); she has tried to get up and crawl on her knees a few times, but has decided that it's much easier and faster to just push off with her feet and do the army crawl thing; she is now pulling up, although she is not good at letting herself down easy; and she survived her very first cold. It was my fault--I gave her the cold , but she handled it pretty well and we are almost over it! She now has 4 teeth...the two on bottom are almost all the way in, and the top two have broken through.
Nate has been gone this week, so it's just been me and Zoe (and the biggest baby of all-Chester). Needless to say, we all miss Nate terribly!! Zoe looks at me all the time and says "dada" she is wondering where he is. The dog is in constant whine mode. Between both of them, the laundry, giving Chester a bath (yes I did!), and trying to pack up stuff for our move...I can't seem to get a moment to myself. Just to get out of the house, I strapped Zoe on yesterday and we took a walk into town--it will be the last one, it was blazing hot! We will all be so happy when Nate gets home later tonight :)
Training trainers
1 day ago
So glad we finally got to meet Miss Zoe. She is a precious little girl with precious parents. We are blessed to know you guys.