The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid; for I know that you are looking for Jesus who has been crucified. "He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said."
Matthew 28:5-6
I love this verse it reminds me of all those Sunday morning Easter services back home when the pastor gets up and says "He is Risen!" and the entire congregation responds "He is Risen indeed!"
So, as I said in my last post, we just got back from a big meeting in Nairobi, Kenya. The meeting took place over Easter, which was such a huge blessing because we were able to be with other believers and worship together on Easter Sunday. Instead of singing African hymns or traditional songs of Tanzania in Swahili (which are great), we got to sing the songs in our heart language. We had some amazing worship leaders and it was just super! And much needed. It was a great week of seeing our people from all over East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, DRC, Southern Sudan). It was really encouraging to hear stories of what the Lord is doing in all those places...He is at work!
It was also Zoe's very first Easter. When my mom came, she brought her the cutest little Easter dress (pictures below). We also got up early for the sunrise service and because it is soooo wonderfully cool in Nairobi, we had to get bundled up. So, it was Zoe's first chance to wear her cute little coat too. I'm not sure if she will ever get to wear it again...but she sure did look adorable!
After the meeting, we had a few days in Nairobi to mess around (thanks to Zoe's doctor appointment and a busted radiator). So we enjoyed all our favorites: westgate mall, nakumatt, pizza inn, and java house! Oh, how I love Nairobi.
Training trainers
1 day ago
I love your family Easter picture. And sweet little Zoe is precious in her Easter dress! Love y'all and praying for your family. I'm glad to hear Easter was a blessed time worshiping with other missionaries!