So we are spending our last weeks doing things that we probably won't do once Zoe comes. Nairobi is full of fun stuff that we aren't used to back in Morogoro, so we are thoroughly enjoying ourselves. This past week we went to a giraffe farm and got to pet and feed the giraffes! Here are some pictures of that:
And yesterday we went in search of the elephant orphanage with some good friends. Maybe we should have suspected there was more than one animal orphange? Anyway we ended up in the wrong place, and didn't realize it until after we bought our tickets. Fortunately, the guy let us leave (the elephant orphanage is only open for one hour a day) and we were able to re-enter later in the day once we found the elephant orphanage. The baby elephants were so precious (they always look like they are smiling). They have been rescued from various places in Kenya and brought to this orphanage and they all have different stories that we got to hear. We watched them play in the mud, drink milk from bottles, and we got to pet them. SO much fun :)
After we finished there, we went back to the other animal orphange (pretty much a glorified didn't do too much for us when we've been closer to animals in game parks with no fences between us). But these animals were also rescued from the wild, so it was fun to see them too.
After a busy day yesterday, I came home to take a nap before we had some people over to our flat for dinner. When I woke up, Nate had left me a stack of candy with a note telling me how much he loves me! What a sweet husband I have. We have been eating out like crazy, going to nakumatt probably 5 times a week (it's like a walmart!) and enjoying our time so much. But we are still soooo looking forward to our precious baby girl arriving soon. We had our 38 week ultrasound today and she is doing wonderful! The doctor messed up transferring the images to our flash drive, so hopefully we can go back and get them loaded and then I will post a picture of her ultrasound. I think she is gonna look like her daddy :) Here is a picture of me at 38 weeks
Training trainers
1 day ago
sounds awesome!! on of my favorite moments in bots was driving back from south africa and seeing like 7 giraffes just hanging out on the side of the ride. so much better than seeing cows. i'm so excited for yall! i can't wait for zoe to get here!! been praying!
ReplyDeleteLindsey, this is just the PERFECT picture of you. You look great! Liz